Rules, principles or guidelines of effective communication or the measures to overcome its barriers are as under:
Message should be clear, complete, unambiguous and expressed properly.
2. Information should be in proper order/sequence.
3. Medium should be proper and effective.
4. Channel should be sound and undistorted.
5. Clarity –There should be clarity of thought.
6. Brevity –Message should be brief, precise and perfect. Meaningless words, repetitions, and excessive details should be avoided.
7. Timelines-Message should reach in time.
8. Compassion-Sender should be aware of level of understanding and background of the receiver.
9. Integrity – Message must be consistent with objectives, policies and programmes. Action and behavior of the sender should support his message.
10. Feedback- there should be follow up action (if necessary) to get feedback.
11. Careful listening by the receiver is necessary.
12. Strategic use of grapevine- The sender should try to fill up gaps in formal communication by strategic use of informal channel.
13. Create a climate of faith, trust and good human relations to make the communication effective and respectful.
14. Communication should be purposeful, at proper speed, sound and with synchronizing.
15. Line of communication (reporting) should be clear.
16. Evaluation of communication system is useful for improvement.
►According to Shannon and Weaver, it consists of following components or elements;
1.Sender:- who sends message
2.Message:- what is conveyed by the sender.
3.Encoding:- words, symbols, gestures etc. by which the message is transmitted.
4.Channel:- medium or route through which the message is passed i.e face to face, talk, phone, pager, radio etc.
5.Receiver:- who receives the message. He may be a listener, reader or observer.
6.Decoding:- the process of understanding or interpreting by the receiver.
7.Feedback:- means reply, or acknowledgement of the receiver that he has understood the message. It may be by words, actions or expression.