Need (Purpose) of Motivation:
► It includes inspiration, aspiration, communication, education, participating and training.
► All these factors are essential to mould a man to achieve desired goal in a desired manner.
► It is a fuel or driving force for all human activities.
► To minimize human errors or unsafe acts or omissions, motivation helps much and it promotes safety.
► If people are not motivated for safety, other efforts will not help much.
► Even if, other measures are taken, motivation is necessary to mould the people to achieve our goals more speedily and yet safely.
► Various theories are available for motivating people for work.
► Periodical feedback to maintain motivation is also necessary.
► Our present problem is not of lack of knowledge of safety.
► The real problem is of implementation of that knowledge, at the shop floor level.
► This is because of lack of self-motivation, lack of communication and motivation.
► People should be made participative by inviting them to say their opinion, reaction and views and guided to act for implementing the safety.
► Direct communication is more useful than indirect communication.
► Thus communication and motivation helps in implementing the safety laws.
► Formula for Performance = Ability X Motivation
► Total loss control can be achieved by motivation of employers, employees, trade unions and the Government.
► Losses of time, money, property and production because of accidents, conflicts etc. must be reduced and that is possible by motivation at all fronts.
► Motivation is one of the factors that stimulates or influences job performance.
► A Latin word ‘mover’ means to move. A motive is what moves a person or impels a person.
► Motivation is concerned with ‘why’ and ‘how’ of behavior.
► P.T Yound defines motivation as “the process of arousing action, sustaining the activity in progress and regularizing the pattern of activity”
► Steers and Porter and Greenberg & Baron identified 3 major components of motivation.
- Force or drive to lead to some behavior
2. Function to guide behavior in desired direction Maintaining and sustaining behavior once it has occurred.
► Herbert Moore says ‘To motivate is to cause a release of energy in relation to desired goal’
► Effective motivation is determined by three factors;
- The goal that is to be realized
2. The energy that is to be realized
3. Tool that are to be used to direct and control that energy.
► The whole problem of motivation is the problem of the development of attitudes, loyalties and capacities for making sacrifices toward an entity that is of greater consequence to the individual worker than his job or his personal welfare.
► Motivation runs top to bottom, therefore top management and supervisors should be motivated first.
► NRF Maier explains motivating as a way of bringing to expression an ability, which a person already possess.
► He describes two aspects: subjective and objective
► Subjective side is a condition in the individual, which is called ‘need’, a drive or desire.
► The objective side is an object outside the individual, which may be called the ‘incentive’ or ‘goal’.
► When an incentive satisfies need, the situation is called motivating. The types of needs and incentives vary from time to time and person to person.